Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021
- Datum: 11.11.2020
Vom 05.-08. Januar findet die Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences statt - einem der ältesten Treffpunkte für Expertinnen und Experten des Forschungsfeldes Informationssysteme und anderer innovativer Technologie. Mit dabei sein werden viele Forscherinnen und Forscher der KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, denn insgesamt wurden 14 Paper der Forschungsgruppen von Prof. Mädche, Prof. Satzger, Prof. Sunyaev und Prof. Weinhardt genehmigt.
- Rädsch, T., Eckhardt, S., Leiser, F., Pandl, K., Thiebes, S., Sunyaev, A. (2021) What Your Radiologist Might Be Missing: Using Machine Learning to Identify Mislabeled Instances of X-ray Images. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings.
- Yari, I.A., Dehling, D., Kluge, F., Eskofier, B., Sunyaev, A. (2021) Online at Will: A Novel Protocol for Mutual Authentication in Peer-to-Peer Networks for Patient-Centered Health Care Information Systems. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings.
- Pandl, K., Teigeler, H., Lins, S., Thiebes, S., Sunyaev, A. (2021) Drivers and Inhibitors for Organizations’ Intention to Adopt Artificial Intelligence as a Service. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings.
- Warsinsky, S., Schmidt-Kraepelin, M., Thiebes, S., Sunyaev, A. (2021) Are Gamification Projects Different? An Exploratory Study on Software Project Risks for Gamified Health Behavior Change Support Systems. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings.
- Baier, L., Kellner, V., Kühl, N., Satzger, G. (2021) Dealing with Incremental Drift in Demand Forecast. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings.
- Enders, T., Kühl, N., Walk, J., Muff, M. (2021) Designing Chemical Emergency Response Systems Based on Open Data. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- Hirt, R., Berg, C., Srivastava, A., Kühl, N. (2021) Sequential Transfer Machine Learning in Networks: Measuring the Impact of Data and Neural Net Similarity on Transferability. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- Hunke, F., Thomsen, H., Satzger, G. (2021) Investigating Modular Reuse as an Underlying Mechanism of Conceptualization during Service Design – the Case of Key Activity Orchestration. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- Kühl, N., Martin, D., Wolff, C., Volkamer, M. (2021) “Healthy surveillance”: Designing a concept for privacy-preserving mask recognition AI in the age of pandemics. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- Reuter-Oppermann, M., Wolff, C., Pumplun, L. (2021) Next Frontiers in Emergency Medical Services in Germany: Identifying Gaps between Academia and Practice. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- Benke, I., Heinzl, A., and Maedche, A. (2021). "The Relationship of Collaboration Technologies and Cognition and Affect", to appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings.
Kloker, S., Greif-Winzrieth, A. (2021) Design Triggers for Excessive Online Video Clip Watching. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
Golla, Armin, Meinke, Joshua, Liu, Vivienne, Staudt, Philipp, Anderson, Lindsay, Weinhardt, Christof (2021): Direct Policy Search for Multiobjective Optimization of the Sizing and Operation of Citizen Energy Communities. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- Henni, Sarah, Jaquart, Patrick, Staudt, Philipp, Weinhardt, Christof (2021): Towards Financial Risk Management for Intermittent Renewable Generation with Battery Storage. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- vom Scheidt, Frederik, Qu, Jingyi, Staudt, Philipp, Mallapragada, Dharik, Weinhardt, Christof (2021): The effects of electricity tariffs on cost-minimal hydrogen supply chains and their impact on electricity prices and redispatch costs. To appear in: HICSS 2021 Proceedings
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